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For soft foot skin. With lavender scent.

Regular price €12,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €12,00 EUR
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated on checkout.
  • Fast delivery throughout Latvia
  • Raw materials of plant origin
  • 100% natural and pure ingredients
  • Fast delivery across Latvia

Skin type

For normal, dry and thickened skin.


A small amount of ointment is applied to the clean skin of the feet, massaged thoroughly.


Description. Softens and regenerates dry, cracked and thickened skin of feet and heels. The smell of Lavender.

Composition: medicinal marigold ( Calendula officinalis ) and marigold ( Tagetes ) flower extract in grape seed oil, beeswax, natural vitamin E, lavender essential oil.

Ingredients (INCI): Calendula Officinalis Flower Oil (oily macerate), Prunus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Cera Alba, Tocopherol, Helianthus Annuus Seeds Oil, Lavandula Angustifolia Oil, Linalyl Acetate*, Linalool*, beta-Caryophyllene*, alfa-Terpineol*, Geranyl acetate*, Limonene*, Camphor*.
*Plant substances found in essential oil.

Volume: 50 ml

For orders in the Baltic States

For deliveries to the Baltic countries, we utilize Omniva services. Your selected product will be conveniently delivered to the Omniva parcel location of your preference.

For orders outside the Baltic States

To place an order from a country outside Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania, kindly reach out to us via email or by filling out the form in the contact section. We'll promptly get in touch to discuss shipping and associated costs before generating an invoice. Once billed, your product will be dispatched within three days to the designated address upon payment. Thank you for choosing us!


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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

"Man ir plakanā pēda un šādu pēdu īpašniekiem sausa, sabiezējusi papēžu āda ir izplatīta problēma. Esmu mēģinājusi daudz un dažādus krēmus pēdām, gan Latvijā ražotus, gan ārzemju, taču nekādu ievērojamu efektu nesaņēmu, tāpēc ar laiku atmetu krēmiem ar roku un vienkārši pati periodiski sabiezējušo ādu noņēmu ar speciālu instrumentu un pēdu vīli, pēc tam uzsmērējot kādu no mājās esošajiem krēmiem.

Izlasot aprakstu par RUUTE Kliņģerītes & Samtenes ziedi, biju ieinteresēta – piesaistīja solījums, ka ziede mīkstina un atjauno sausu, saplaisājušu un sabiezējušu pēdu un papēžu ādu, kā arī mazina ādas sabiezējumu veidošanos, atjauno un dziedē.

Tāpēc nolēmu pamēģināt šo produktu. Produkts iepatikās, jau to saņemot – vienkārša un eleganta stikla burciņa, patīkami turēt rokās, rada labu pirmo iespaidu. Jau pirmajā vakarā to pamēģināju, sekojot līdzi Ineses Vasiļevskas ieteikumiem – pēdas kārtīgi nomazgāju, nosusināju, apstrādāju ar pēdu vīli un iemasēju ziedi. Tā ir taukaina, bet labi uzsūcas ādā.

Šo rituālu veicu tieši pirms miega (lavandas smarža lieliski iederas šādā rituālā pirms miega), tāpēc, cerot uz labiem rezultātiem, uzvilku arī zeķītes un devos gulēt. No rīta pēdu āda bija jūtami mīkstāka un maigāka! Redzot šos pirmos pozitīvos rezultātus, ziedi sāku lietot katru vakaru, kā arī reizei nedēļā taisīju pēdu vanniņas, kas man ļoti iepatikās.

Pēc mēneša pēdu ādas izskats ir krietni uzlabojies un papēžu āda vairs nav tik cita kā iepriekš. Protams, vēl nav ideāla, bet, regulāri un ilgstoši lietojot, jūtu, ka šī ziede palīdzēs man panākt vēlamo rezultātu. Noteikti iesaku arī citiem, kam ir pēdu ādas problēmas, pamēģināt šo dabisko ziedi!"


Ziemā, kad pastāvīgi nākas staigāt siltos zābakos, pēdu āda ir raupja, sausa, vietām sabiezējusi un saplaisājusi, tāpēc ik gadu, tuvojoties pavasarim, šai ķermeņa zonai veltu papildu rūpes. Ieraugot portālā iespēju testēt zīmola RUUTe® kliņģerīšu un samteņu ziedi veselām un maigām pēdām, uzreiz pieteicos. Piesaistīja tas, ka produkts gatavots ar rokām un ir 100 % dabīgs. Uzreiz var redzēt, ka īpaši piedomāts par produkta dizainu – iepakojums ir ļoti elegants, to patīkami turēt rokās, jau zīmola logo liek domāt par kaut ko latvisku un dabīgu. Tā kā pievēršu lielu uzmanību ne vien produkta efektam, bet arī pašam lietošanas procesam, šis iepakojums noteikti ir tāds,
kam dotu priekšroku, arī iegādājoties produktu veikalā. Ziede burvīgi smaržo, ir maiga, to ir viegli uzklāt, rada patīkamu sajūtu jau uzreiz pēc lietošanas. Produktu lietoju katru otro dienu, vakaros, pirms gulētiešanas. Reizēm – lai iegūtu izteiktāku efektu – pēc ziedes uzsmērēšanas uzvilku kokvilnas zeķes, ko atstāju kājās uz visu nakti. Šis noteikti ir produkts, ko labprāt ieteikšu arī citiem! Rezultāts patiešām ir lielisks! Jūtamas izmaiņas bija novērojamas jau pēc vienas lietošanas reizes – pēdu āda šķita maigāka, vizuāli izskatījās labāk. Pēc ilgstošas lietošanas manas pēdas ir pilnībā gatavas pavasara sezonai – āda ir sadzijusi, tā ir maiga un atjaunota. Paldies!

Nature in Your Hands

RUUTe cosmetics are created with love and responsibility for nature and the planet. Enjoy the cosmetic product, which contains not only the best of Latvia's natural treasures, but also natural raw
materials obtained elsewhere in the world.

Questions & Answers

How to order a product?

1. Add desired products to the shopping cart.

2. Fill in all required fields.

3. Choose the your Omniva parcel address.

4. Choose the payment method: via internet bank.

5. Read and accept the Terms and the privacy policy to continue.

6. Order confirmation - check whether all fields are filled in correctly.

7. The total cost of the order including delivery appears on the screen, pay for the purchase and click BUY.

8. Choose your bank to pay for the selected product using Internet banking, click PAY.

9. After paying for the purchase in the Internet bank, click the "Return to the merchant" button.

10. You will receive a confirmation of placing the order in your specified e-mail.

11. After preparing and sending the order, you will receive the e-invoice corresponding to the order, which is prepared electronically and is valid without a signature, to the specified e-mail.

Delivery method

We use Omniva services. Your selected product will be conveniently delivered to the Omniva parcel location of your preference.


All fees and taxes related to delivery must be paid by the Buyer. You will see the shipping cost before confirming your order.

Delivery time

Items are shipped within 3 days of order receipt and/or invoice payment.

International deliveries

For orders outside of Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania, we'll reach out to you prior to invoicing to finalize delivery details and costs.

What if I want to return the product?

The buyer is granted a 14-day window to return an item by submitting a cancellation letter. Return costs are the responsibility of the buyer, except in the case of an incorrect product. Refunds are processed within 14 days. Specific exclusions and liability criteria are applied.

To learn more, visit our return policy .


Please note that we are not responsible for any delays caused by the supplier.

Drops of Excellence

I know that a good product requires time, precision and true passion. RUUTe cosmetics are carefully designed and tested until they reach perfection. RUUTe is not a simple cosmetic, as it has high-quality plant-based raw materials and natural preservatives. The skin does not get accustomed to such cosmetics, after stopping using them, a rapid aging process will not be seen. It is a step towards real power and purity of nature.

  • Cycle of nature

    Nature and the human body follow their unique cycles, deserving our utmost respect. RUUTe cosmetics honour these cycles by harvesting plants at their peak, aligning with nature's rhythms and considering human life cycles. From raw materials to the finished product, each step reflects our commitment to sustainability.

  • From plant to skin

    Each drop in RUUTe cosmetics is a direct link to nature, sourced from the plants we carefully cultivate. Starting in the natural world, we guarantee that what touches your skin is genuinely pure. Enjoy beauty as nature intended it.

  • Nature's heritage

    Nature is with you, just have to see and understand it. I use long-known knowledge about plants
    with a modern perspective to create cosmetics that are friendly to people and nature.

    Choose a brand that's as true as nature it comes from.

    Living sustainably means choosing environmentally friendly.